Meet Jacob Towl, our Environmental Technician

What is your role?

I am the Environmental Technician, and it is my job to monitor and report on the Facility’s environmental performance and relay this to the Environment Agency, along with ensuring the requirements of the Environmental Permit are met.

When did you start working at the Gloucestershire Energy from Waste Facility?

I joined in February 2020, a little over three years ago.

What experience do you have that helps you in your role?

Previously, I completed a Masters in Environmental Consultancy and undertook a placement at an energy consultancy, which gave me experience in how to manage a range of environmental facets. 

What are your day-to-day tasks?

My tasks can vary from day to day but include: 

  • Reporting on the environmental performance of the Facility.

  • Reviewing daily emissions levels and assessing any potential issues.

  • Organising routine testing and analysis of Air Pollution Control Residues and Incinerator Bottom Ash.

  • Liaising with the Environment Agency.

Why do we test Air Pollution Control Residues and Incinerator Bottom Ash?

The reason for testing Air Pollution Control Residues and Incinerator Bottom Ash is firstly to be able to demonstrate to the Environment Agency that they comply with the conditions of the Environmental Permit. Air Pollution Control Residues testing allows the Facility to monitor the composition over time and assess any new potential management options for this residue. We test Incinerator Bottom Ash in order to demonstrate that it remains a non-hazardous product which then allows us to recover approximately 40,000 tonnes of aggregates and metals from the combustion process each year for recycling.

How does the Facility ensure it complies with the Environmental Permit issued by the Environment Agency?

The Facility complies with the Permit requirements through the implementation of a range of procedures that help keep emissions and all other requirements within the permitted limits, along with regular review and inspection of the Facility’s performance.

How can people find out about the performance results of the Facility?

The performance results, for emissions monitoring and performance data, can be found on the UBB Gloucestershire website, or requests can be made to the Environment Agency.