Performance Data
At the Facility, as well as emissions data, we also monitor:
All waste treated (tonnes) - This is the total amount of waste that is brought to the Facility each month for treatment.
Materials recovered for recycling (tonnes) - This is the amount of materials that are recovered for recycling each month at the Facility. This includes Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) the collective term for metals and IBAA (Incinerator Bottom Ash Aggregate) which can be used to make new roads and buildings.
Electricity (megawatt-hours/ MWh) - This is the total amount of electricity that is produced and sent to the National Grid each month.
Why are there differences each month?
From month to month, the levels of waste treated, material recovered for recycling and electricity generated will fluctuate, as they are interlinked and influenced by the types and quantities of waste that are loaded into the treatment process. It’s important to remember that the waste arriving at Gloucestershire Energy from Waste Facility is the waste that is not reused or recycled by Gloucestershire’s residents and the quantity and contents of the waste are determined by the householder/person and the items they put in their bin.
Waste is a fuel that is used to generate energy in the form of steam. The steam is needed to operate the turbine, which produces electricity. To make the turbine work efficiently, it needs good quality steam and so it has to meet specific criteria. See the animation film for a visualisation of the process.
The treatment process does not have a fixed rate of burning. The amount of waste used to make the energy for the turbine varies due to a multitude of factors, including seasonal changes. Wetter waste means more material has to be burned to create the same amount of steam to generate electricity, which in turn creates more ash. If waste is drier, the opposite occurs. In addition, the types of materials Gloucestershire’s residents put in their bins also affect the treatment process. The composition of waste is not consistent which impacts the amount of materials recovered for recycling.
All of these factors have to be managed to ensure the Facility can run efficiently, which means they are closely controlled and adjusted on a regular basis.
Current Performance Data
The Gloucestershire Energy from Waste Facility has published the recent performance data results.
Each month, the Facility will update the information provided with the previous month's results.
Date | All waste treated (tonnes) | Materials recovered for recycling (tonnes) | Electricity (MWh) |
January 2025 | 18,118 | 7,949 | 12,477 |
Previous Performance Data
The Gloucestershire Energy from Waste Facility has published the performance data results for operational activity since October 2019. See the previous performance data page here.